If the original email writer had asked the email recipient to meet in the conference room and used the office whiteboard to map out their concerns, the chances of reaching a better outcome would have been much higher.
The colleague would have seen by the tone of voice and body language that there was no disrespect or aggression intended and they could have more easily discussed how to find a mutually agreeable solution. This is why whiteboards for office are so important.
For any office with more than 2 staff, office whiteboards have a proven track record in being the most effective way to brainstorm – much better than a notebook or mind map software.
Having staff being able to collaborate with an office whiteboard to share and generate ideas while being able to see other people’s input can lead to creating something special.
Some of the worlds multi-million dollar big ideas have come from an office whiteboard brain-storming session.
Whiteboards for office are still an office staple. They’re reliable, multi-purpose and – most importantly – they play a fundamental role in creating and maintaining a positive and successful office environment.
JustBoards will help you find the best solutions and advice. We offer Australia wide delivery to your door. Contact us today on 1800 654 917 or at info@justboards.com.au
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